January 21, 2011

What...TWINS...are you kidding me?

Let's just say that finding out we were having twins was quite a surprise.  Even though there is a history of twins in my family, even though I started getting sick way early this time, even though my waist was already changing...I never, and I mean NEVER thought we were having twins.  So when the ultrasound tech held up two fingers, we just KNEW we were on hidden camera.  Boy were we wrong.
Ever wonder what goes through your mind when you find out you're having twins?  Well, let us give you an idea.  The scene went down something like this:
Me: "Shut up...two".  (I look at Rocky)
Rocky: "Are you serious?....You're joking right?"  He looks at me.  (We both start laughing)
Her: "I never joke about this."  (straight faced)
Rocky: "Really, you're not joking?"  (still laughing)
Her: "No joke."  (she turns the ultrasound camera around where we can see)
Me: "Are you kidding?"  (starting to cry)
Her: "I'm not.  Here's Baby A.  And Here's Baby B."  (still straight faced)
Rocky: "You swear you're not joking?"  (still laughing)
Me: "Oh my gosh...what are we gonna do Rocky?"  (laughing again)
Rocky: "Really, you're not joking?"  (not laughing anymore)
Her: "I'm not joking.  You're really having twins."  (starting to smile now)
Rocky: "Now can I gotta get a bigger truck Momma."  (laughing again)
Me: "We'll need a bigger everything Daddy."  (crying again)
This scene continued to play out for a few more minutes pretty much like a Laurel and Hardy routine.  Neither one of us could believe it.  She went on to say there were two sacs, which meant fraternal twins.  They could be boy/boy, girl/girl, or one of each.  WOW!
We left her office and went back in to see Dr. Jones.  He asked if we were okay since our faces were a little red.  He proceeded to tell us how this pregnancy would differ from Charlie's, in respect to office visits.  Let's put it this way, there will be many, many more.  We'll almost be able to see our babies grow up in pictures.  They'll do ultrasounds much often to make sure everything is okay.  There are so many things that go awry with twins.
For now, we're just praying for their health and for the health of Momma, who is sick as a dog.


  1. That means three presents for good ol' uncle Josh now!

  2. I'm sorry you are so sick and we are all praying for you and the babies.
