Rocky and I had the pleasure of going to the beach with his parents and his sister and her children this past weekend. He left the packing up to me. This was the first time I had packed for the three of us in the Murano. Normally, I use every bit of trunk space and end up packing things in the floor boards, between the seats, on my get the picture. I pack a lot. So this time, I tried to think long and hard about what to take.
The night before, I tried on several outfits and packed only 3 outfits that I both liked and felt like covered all possible scenarios...casual shorts and t'shirt, dressier shorts and shirt, blue jeans and cute top. I took 2 bathing suits, in case something happened to one, I didn't want to find myself at the beach with no bathing suit. I packed 1 towel and wash rag per person. Pillows for Rocky and myself. Charlie got 2 night gowns, 1 long sleeved long legged outfit, 1 dressier onesie, two casual onesies, a jacket, a pair of sweat pants, 1 pair of socks, 1 bathing suit, 3 hats (one for the beach that covers the ears and neck, one for the pier that had a strap, and one that was tighter that was good for going in and out of the condo/car. He also had 4 burp rags, 8 bibs (1 for each meal and 1 for slobber), 20 diapers, and a tub of wipes. Then there was the pack and play, sheet, and blanket. The small jeep stroller. The camera and charger...I think that's about it. Oh yeah, Charlie's travel high chair.
So when Rocky came home and saw the truck and flipped his lid, I was really, REALLY surprised. I thought I was doing well. EVERYTHING was in the back. Nothing was in the seats or floor boards. My purse wasn't running over, and he could easily see out the back using the rear view mirror. So what was the big deal?
Well, the weekend came and went and I felt like everything we took was well used. Maybe next time I'll let Rocky pack the truck and we'll see just how well (or bad) he does...
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