November 13, 2009

What I know about Cletus so far...

It donned on me this morning that even though he's still in the womb, I could probably tell a lot about Cletus' personality already. So I started thinking about that. Let's begin with the old wives tales of whether he was a boy or girl. His heartrate has been over 150 the whole time. That's a sign of a girl. I had morning sickness. Again, a girl. My hair on my legs did not grow any faster. Girl. Craving salty foods. Boy. I'm carrying my weight all over. Girl. It's no wonder so many people said we were having a girl. But all along, I said I thought it was a boy. The reason, is quite simple. Rocky is the type who will do whatever it is that someone says he can't. He'll do it just to prove them wrong. So it's no wonder our little one "pretended" to be a girl just to surprise us all. That's how I know Cletus will be defiant.

And when it comes to movement, this little one is constantly moving and I mean all over the place. And every time I put my hand on my belly, he moves away. He did the same thing at our ultrasound and again yesterday at the OB's office when he was trying to listen to his heartbeat. I can almost hear him saying "Mom, leave me alone. I can do it all by myself". Sounds familiar? It should, it sounds like me AND Rocky to a T. That's how I know Cletus will be independent.

When it comes to sleep time, he appears to take several small naps during the day and be active most of the night. It's like he can't stand to be asleep in case he misses something. He's always taking catnaps so he can be ready to participate in whatever is going on. That's how I know Cletus will be adventurous.

I've also noticed that he's the most active at certain times of the day. 12:15pm and 8:00pm are examples. No matter what I'm doing, standing, sitting or laying down, he's does what appears to be the Hokey Pokey in my belly. He's consistenat in his actions. That's how I know Cletus will be stubborn.

I bet if most of you look back at your child's time in the womb, you could tell similar things about him or her. So how about it? What did your child do in the womb that let you know he or she would be just like they are now?

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