Monday night my 3 year old and I were in the kitchen/dining room cleaning off the table. He had squished and dropped some peas on the floor and I was going to ask him to clean them up. So I said to him, "C, will you come over here and pick up these peas off the floor please." And as my precious, darling 3 year old walked over to the mess I heard him say "I'ma jack you up". What!?! Excuse me!?! What did you just say?!? "I'ma jack those peas up". I asked him where he learned that and he said his friends at school taught him. So I informed him that we don't talk like that in our house and I better not ever hear him say that again.
Of course, he has no idea why it wasn't appropriate language and neither do his friends. But it made me stop and think about how much kids pick up from their parents, TV, or just being out in public. It's no wonder this world is not-so-slowly deteriorating morally. Just recently someone innocently told my daughter to "drop it like it's hot" as she danced around the living room.
I find myself constantly having moral debates with myself about whether something is innocently harmless or subliminally wicked. I think a lot of folks have those same thoughts. And if we could see into the future, we'd know that the seeds that are getting planted now are being reaped in the future. So we should ask ourselves just what is it we want our children to become in the future and then we should spend every waking moment planting seeds that will grow our children into that shape. Because if we don't, the world will certainly plant for us.
I'm just sayin'.
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