June 30, 2010

I'm sick of being sick!

Last Friday, my Aunt Bim commented that Charlie sounded like he had a little congestion.  She also noticed he was napping a lot more than usual.  A couple of days before, Rocky had come down with a head cold.  All of these seemed non-related until Sunday evening, when Charlie's congestion became worse and he developed a cough that sounded just horrible.  By Monday morning, he sounded just pitiful and I too could feel a cold coming on.  I took him to the doctor and she said it was probably a viral infection since we all had it.  She also said that there was some good news: it wasn't in Charlie's ears or lungs.  Bad news, he was too young to take anything to help him feel better.  She only recommended a humidifier, saline drops for his nose, and to prop his mattress up. 

Monday night was the worst for Charlie.  His cough sounded just awful and sometimes he would choke so bad it made him spit up.  Tuesday was the worst for me.  I was so stopped up that my face hurt.  At one point, we went into the bathroom and just sat while we filled the tub with hot water.  The steam seemed to help but soon after we came out, we started feeling bad again.  Tuesday night, Rocky got us a humidifier from BabiesRUs.  It looks like a cow and the water comes out of his ears.  It's so cute!  And guess what, this morning we're both feeling better.  Although my face isn't hurting anymore, I'm still full of congestion.  That will take time to get rid of.  And Charlie still has his cough but he's smiling a lot more.  As for Rocky, his worst day was Saturday and now he's in the clearing stage.  By this weekend, he shouldn't have any signs of being sick at all.

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