It's official, I've been to a TotTrade Charlote event. And it very well may be my last one. For those that aren't familiar with the event, it's a consignment sale for all things children. Toys, bedding, clothes, things to sit in on and under, strollers, DVDs, and all sorts of other things. I didn't really have anything in mind to specifially get. I basically wanted to see what it was about and I thought maybe I'd come across something I just had to have. It started at 3pm. Mom and I arrived at 2pm so we would be in front of the line. We ended up about 40th b/c it was so hot and we sat in the car with the AC.
We found a couple of clothing items, some shoes, a toy or two or three, a mirror, and piano thing, get the picture. I must admit, a lot of the prices were the same, if not more, than things I've seen on craigslist. So we didn't buy a whole lot. Just enough to make our trip worth while. What I learned is that it's a place where you can pick up a thing or two. You need to have a list and a plan. And you need to have a truck. What you don't need to have is a 4 month old, although I must admit, he was a perfect angel. We were there about 2 hours and he only cried for 5 seconds. Most of the time he was laughing or talking to me from his carrier. Everybody kept saying what a cutie he was and how good he was. And he was. I am very lucky to have such a great baby.
So next Feb. they will have another sale. I guess we'll plan on going. I don't think the sun and heat will be a problem then.
The day wasn't a bust, look how many people got to see Charlie :-) And, I can keep him next time!